Deloitte is one of the Big 4 accountancy firms and one of the largest finance organisations worldwide, making its internships and jobs highly in demand. Through a lengthy and complex screening process, Deloitte seeks only top-ranked candidates.
The Deloitte Job Simulation invitations are submitted to internship candidates who passed the Deloitte Online Immersive test. The assessment format resembles what a typical workday at Deloitte may look like.
For about 40 minutes, you will have to analyze reports, respond to colleagues' emails, rate how you react to work-related scenarios, and record yourself on video answering personal and professional questions.
In this guide, we will review the 3 question types included in the job simulation (video question, situational judgment, and written responses) and give you valuable preparation guidelines.
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The Deloitte Job Simulation is a versatile timed assessment that lasts 40 minutes and combines video questions, writing responses, and competency-based SJTs. Composed in the HireVue style, it is Deloitte's second stage of the hiring process after passing the Deloitte Online Immersive Assessment. It is usually given to interns and entry-level position candidates.
Keep in mind that this assessment is not a walk in the park. Similar to the HSBC Job Simulation, the most challenging aspect is not necessarily handling data or doing accountancy work per se but rather showing that you know how to organize your workflow and follow through with a task to its conclusion.
To do all this to Deloitte's contentment, you should deeply understand their core values, practise writing flawless emails to your colleagues, articulately express your professional opinion, and understand what is behind each question.
Don't worry; we are here to help.
The Job Simulation assessment is comprised of 4 sections or stages. The first is not graded; it consists of several basic prompts about your hobbies and commitment to taking the assessment ethically, to which you must record a video response. The purpose of this is to test your equipment.
The three additional sections are:
Each of these three sections consists of five questions. Before answering any questions, though, you will have to read, view, or listen to a list of resources.
At the start of each section, before answering the actual questions, you will have to review a list of up to seven resources relevant to that section. These are intended to fill you in on the relevant information and inform your responses.
Resources come in different formats:
Once you finish going over the resources, you can proceed to answer the questions. You will still be able to see the resources, except for when answering a video question. In that case, the only resources displayed to you, if any, will be the ones relevant for your answer.
Do not be fazed by the charts, graphs, and tables. The questions will not ask you to do any serious calculations. The purpose of the Deloitte Job Simulation is not to test your accounting skills but rather your conduct with clients and colleagues, ability to prioritize tasks, time management, and commitment to Deloitte values.
Now that you know how the test is structures, let's dive into the three question types that will appear on all test sections.
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Regardless of the section you're on, the questions all fall into one of three formats, each requireing unique preparation.
Video Questions
Written Response
Ranked List
The video questions are the closest to a real-life interview you will encounter on the Job Simulation. They differ because there is no person on the other side of the screen, and you have to record your answers to pre-written questions. This is called a pre-recorded interview. Don't worry, though; you will get practice time, and you will be able to watch your practice recording before the actual take.
Your response can be up to 2 minutes long and no shorter than 30 seconds.
The video questions will be slightly different in each of the test's sections. They will deal with three main subjects:
Like other question types, the video questions will relate back to the resources you have reviewed before the questions.
A typical video question will look like this:
Be sure to dress appropriately, maintain good posture, and radiate professionalism. These will prove no less important than the content of your response.
Deloitte Job Simulation Video Questions Main Challenge and Solution
Main challenge: Talking to a camera
What you can do: Remember that an actual person, perhaps your future teammate or boss, will review your recording. Therefore, make sure you are acting just the same as if you were on a video call. Dress appropriately, raise your energy levels, and be as eloquent as possible.
Practice answering similar questions with a friend or a family member before taking the simulation. This will benefit you in two ways – you will practice and memorize your answers and get you into an interview mood.
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These questions simulate writing an email to a colleague. For example, you may be asked to summarize your findings from a business report you just analyzed or to explain your problematic behavior to your boss.
You will have 1500 characters to compose your response to the prompt.
This is a great question type since it best simulates what your actual work at Deloitte will look like and allows you to demonstrate your authentic character to the assessors.
However, writing excellent reports and emails is usually not something a person is born with; it is an acquired skill polished with many hands-on experiences and practice. Since you probably don’t have a whole lifetime to prepare, here are further elaborations and tips to help you write an outstanding email.
Deloitte Job Simulation Written Responses Main Challenge and Solution
Main challenge: Processing data quickly and then writing the perfect email (which is articulate, coherent, and creative) under tight time constraints.
What you can do: There are two ways to approach this, depending on personal preference and clarity of answer in your head.
Case #1: You know what you want to say: start with the bottom line – your conclusion, and then go back to the beginning and write the introduction and fundamental points.
Case #2: You aren't sure what you want to say. Begin with the primary topics. Perform a quick brainstorm, and write down the main key points. After elaborating on those key points, try to reach an intelligent and unique conclusion to your findings. Ensure you are saying something of your own and not simply summarizing a text. The writing assignment is your chance to make yourself stand out to the recruiters!
To ensure there are no typos or phrasing errors and to save time, you can use a grammar-checking and writing app such as Grammarly. This guarantees that you write eloquently and clears out maximum time to focus on writing great content.
The situational judgment questions are in a most-least ranking format. Your prompt will be in the form af a dilemma, based on the resources in that section. You will be presented with five different courses of action and need to rank those options from your most to your least preferable.
The job simulation's behavioral questions directly connect to the rest of the occurrences and test questions. For example, you may be asked about an incident initiated on the former question, which has now been turned and developed. As is customary for situational judgment, the questions will relate to your preferred reactions to a work-related dilemma or your feelings about a complex situation.
Deloitte Job Simulation SJT Ranking Main Challenge and Solution
Main challenge: Unlike numerical or verbal questions with absolute answers, and as you practice more, you are most likely to raise your chances of success, situational judgment questions don't have only one absolute answer since the "right" answer is directly connected to the recruiting company's DNA.
What you can do: One of the most essential attributes for success in SJTs is to know the company's core values by heart and keep them in mind while answering behavioral questions.
The four core values of Deloitte are:
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The Deloitte recruitment process is rather lengthy and considered very challenging, as expected from one of the biggest firms worldwide. It usually includes four stages:
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About 40 minutes.
It is not a live interview, but an interview simulation in which you record your answers to video questions and let you show a bit more of your personality to recruiters and hiring managers.
The Deloitte Final Stage Assessment is the last recruitment stage, passing it will result in an offer from Deloitte. Spring into Deloitte candidates is the only ones who won't go through this stage as their recruitment process ends with the job Simulation.
This screening stage includes:
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