Ace Your Bain Online Assessment | Accurate and Updated Preparation [2024]

As one of the world's leading consulting firms and with a strong graduate programme, Bain & Company is a great place to make your mark. However, before getting your interview and job offer, your first objective is mastery over the Bain online assessment.

The Bain assessment test, provided by Sova, is quite challenging, even if you are prepared. Accuracy is not enough in this assessment, as time is an important factor in Sova's method of scoring.

This page includes Bain online assessment practice questions (and answers), information on the Bain recruitment process, Bain interview questions, and thorough elaborations of the test's different subjects.

Additionally, our up-to-date 2024 Bain Practice tests will help you improve your capabilities in all fields of the test and score higher than the competition.

JobTestPrep has been researching the Bain Test since 2018, basing its practice tests on phone interviewscustomer feedback, and the actual test itself. Here's the entire practice plan:

  • Sova Numerical Reasoning - get familiar with your straights and weaknesses by taking a complete Sova numerical simulation. Then, practice tens of additional graph and table reading questions and take the second simulation to witness your improvement.
  • Sova Verbal Reasoning - practice basic, intermediate, and advanced reasoning questions in the form of True, False, or Cannot Say.
  • Sova Logical Reasoning - 1. Take a logical simulation 2. Practise dozens of questions in a "complete the sequence" format 3. Take a second simulation to witness your improvement.
  • Situational Judgment (SJT) - practice your reaction to work-related scenarios based on Bain's core values.
  • Sova Personality and interview preparation - learn how to be portrayed as an ideal candidate in the Bain personality test by practising a real test with thorough explanations on each question. To complete the preparation, get our experts' tips on standing out in an interview, overcoming anxiety, and getting familiar with frequently asked questions.

Bain has recently introduced Pymetrics as one of its pre-employment assessment tools. If you are about to take the Pymetrics Games test as part of your hiring process, check out the Pymetrics Preparation Course, with accurate simulations of 12 games.

Bain & Company Tests
  • What's Included In Our PrepPack?

    • Numerical 3 Full Sova simulations + 7 extra practice tests
    • Verbal 10 Full Sova simulations + 3 extra practice tests
    • Logical 3 Full Sova style tests
    • Situational Judgement 4 practice tests
    • Personality preparation
      • Sova Personality assessment simulation
      • Single traits preparation according to position
      • Sova Personality and profiling theory guides
    • Interview preparation
    • Study guides and video tutorials

Shir, Finance and Banking Tests Expert at JobTestPrep
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What is Bain Online Assessment?

Provided by Sova assessments, the Bain online assessment includes various subjects such as math, verbal, abstract reasoning, situational judgment, and personality tests. The evaluation isn't time-limited, and no timer is displayed on the screen. However, answering speed is measured and affects the final score. 

Some may find the Bain Sova test material difficult, and working under pressure definitely increases the challenge. Therefore, Practice and Knowledge are vital to improving solving time, reducing anxiety, and acing the Bain test.

A combination of accuracy and time taken to respond will be used to calculate the final results.

- Bain & Company Online Assessment-

Bain & Company's Online Test Subjects:

Let's review each section so you'll familiarize yourself with the test (including sample questions).

Bain Online Assessment — Numerical Reasoning Test

The Bain numerical test is business-oriented and aims to evaluate candidates' table & graph reading skills and ability to assess numbers and data logically. There are approximately 15 questions to the test, each with 4 answer options. There's no time limit for the test, and it should take you approximately 30 minutes to complete. The questions contain a graph or a table filled with information, alongside several calculous questions about the data presented.

A calculator is allowed. Therefore focus your practice on understanding the questions and improving your solving time rather than the mental calculations.

The sample question below simulates Bain's numerical questions in terms of their graph-based nature, their level of difficulty, and the excessive quantity of answer options.

Numerical sample question:


Some of the employees were laid off after 3 months of their recruitment - these recruitments are considered unsuccessful. Clara has a 0.75 success rate in recruiting for customer service companies and a 0.8 success rate in recruiting for high-tech companies.


What is the difference between the successful recruitments between the customer service field and the high-tech field in 2015?





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First, let's identify how many employees were recruited for the high-tech and customer service field in 2015:

High-tech: 15

Customer service: 56

Then you should calculate how many of the recruitments were successful in each field:

High-tech: 15 x 0.8 = 12

Customer service: 56 x 0.75 = 42

Then you should subtract the high-tech recruits from the customer service recruits to get the difference: 

42 - 12 = 30

Thus, the correct answer is (B) 30.

The above question is one of the easiest questions in the actual Bain Sova test. If you found it difficult, you should continue practicing by strengthening your math skills, starting with easy-moderate questions like this until you are ready to take it to the next level with more challenging exercises. If you solve it without a problem, you are on the right way to acing the Bain aptitude test! Just make sure you also succeed with the more challenging exercises.  

You can find low, moderate, and high difficulty level questions designed specially to prepare for the Sova Bain test in JobTestPrep Bain PrepPack.

You can also sample our practice questions by taking a free Sova practice test.

Bain Online Assessment — Verbal Reasoning Test

The Bain Verbal Reasoning Test is designated to assess your reading comprehension and verbal critical reasoning abilities. Each question will begin with a statement of facts that you are to regard as true.

The test includes 5 different texts with 1-3 questions each, totaling 12 questions. There is no time limit, and your score is affected by your speed.

For each statement of facts, you will find several possible inferences - conclusions that some persons might draw from the stated facts. You are to examine each inference separately and to make a decision as to its degree of truth or falsity.

The degree of truth or falsity in the Bain verbal test is rated on a 3-item scale:

  • True
  • False
  • Cannot say

Let's see an example.

Verbal sample question:

Chemical engineers have manipulated the genetic code of Escherichia coli (E. coli), a common gut bacterium, turning it into an efficient biological factory that can chew up plant-derived sugar to produce chemicals, medicines, and fuel. Genes that enabled biodiesel production—esters (organic compounds) of fatty acids and ethanol—were incorporated directly. The fuel that is produced by E. coli can now be used directly as biodiesel. In contrast, fats or oils from plants must be chemically esterified before they can be used. More importantly, researchers have also imported genes that allow E. coli to secrete enzymes that break down the tough material that makes up the bulk of plants—cellulose, specifically hemicellulose—and produce the sugar needed to fuel this process.

 Biodiesel is composed of esters of fatty acids and ethanol.




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True.  The passage says: Genes that enabled the production of biodiesel— esters (organic compounds) of fatty acids and ethanol— [...]. What is named between the hyphens are the components of biodiesel. 

Tips Tip: Stick to the information given in the statement, and do not mix it with general knowledge or personal opinions.

Bain Online Assessment — Abstract Reasoning Test

The Bain & Company logical reasoning test includes 2 types of questions: pattern and series questions.

In a series, you are given a sequence of objects that appear in a certain order, and you need to understand which feature changes and how it changes from frame to frame.

In pattern questions, you are given objects that have standard features and follow a specific rule. The order of the objects is not essential. The correct answer is the one that follows the same rule as the objects in the question.

The test includes 15 questions with 6 optional answers and no time limit. Instead, it tests your ability to solve the questions in the shortest time possible.

Being familiar with this type of test is the best way to prepare, as you will learn the underlying concepts and rules that govern it.

Ready to try it for yourself?

Abstract reasoning sample question:

Bain's Online Test


Bain Online Test


Which option follows next in the series shown? 





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The correct answer is D: 

In each step, the heart shape switches places with the adjacent shape in a anticlockwise fashion. The other two shapes stay where they are.

Note: Although in answers (1) and (3) the heart shape is found in the right place, these options are not correct as the other shapes are acting randomly.

Answer (5) is the only option that maintains the pattern for all the shapes.

In our full preparation package, you will get hundreds of questions and drills with full explanations, so you will know exactly how to answer each question you will encounter. 

Bain Online Assessment — Situation Judgment Test

Situational Judgement Tests are assessments that evaluate your personality by presenting you with simulated work scenarios. A common thought is that there is no right or wrong answer to a situation judgment question. Why? Because each question places you in a work-related situation to determine how you will react.

The purpose is to analyze your personality; the only way to do that is to remain truthful.

However, this is wrong.

The fact of the matter is that some answers are preferable to others.

The best practice is to research the company you are applying to and learn its core values. Here, you can try to duplicate what they are looking for.

The Bain Sova SJT includes a scenario with 4 possible responses. You will be asked to rank TWO of the options, one as the BEST and one as the WORST.

Want to try it for yourself? Check it out!

You work as a copywriter in an advertising agency. You are a member of a team of five in which some of the work is done independently, while some important aspects of the work involve group thinking and brainstorming. You have an upcoming presentation regarding an advert for a new camera at the end of the week. You are temporarily put in charge of the team, so you will need all the assistance possible for this challenging project. There is a new member of the team, and the other members seem to be having a hard time with his presence. You know he is arrogant and impassive, and you are aware that other team members try to avoid working with him. Noticing that teamwork is being affected by these emotions and group assignments are not being done properly, you start to fear that the team won’t be able to complete the project on time and to a high standard.

What would you do in this situation?

Response #1: This is an irrelevant response as it addresses plans and timetables while ignoring the real problem—a lack of teamwork and cooperation. This response is unlikely to achieve your goal of meeting the deadlines and achieving a high-standard product and is, therefore, a negative response.

Therefore, you should rank this response as WORST.

Response #2: This response offers a more comprehensive treatment of the problem, but it is time-consuming and will not necessarily enable the team to meet their deadlines. This is a positive response from the social point of view, but it lacks a 'business' approach to the situation. Therefore, this isn't the best response.

Response #3: You seek a brief solution to team relations, just enough to enable effective teamwork until the current project is delivered on time and to a high standard. This is the best response as you deal with the problem by taking a 'business' approach to the situation.

Therefore, you should rank this response as BEST.

Response #4: This response focuses on results achievement but neglects to provide an efficient solution to problematic team relations. Without an adequate solution that will incorporate a certain degree of sensitivity and empathy towards team members, it is unlikely that you will reach your business goal and meet the deadline. Social problems require sensitive solutions. This is, therefore, a negative response.

In our full preparation package, you will get hundreds of questions and drills with full explanations, so you will know exactly how to answer each question. By practising for the Bain and Company aptitude and personality tests in addition to the interview process, you can dramatically improve your chances of getting that job.

Prepare For Your Bain Online Assessment

By practicing for the Bain Assessment tests, considering the reasoning tests, personality test, and interviews, you will dramatically improve your chances of getting that job.

Our PrepPack™ offers a wide range of materials that include Sova-style numerical, verbal, and abstract tests, along with Sova personality test situational judgment tests (SJTs), study guides, and video tutorials.

Bain Online Assessment — Sova Personality Test

The Sova personality test does not measure your reasoning or cognitive skills but aims to give Bain recruiters a better insight into how you behave in a work environment.

This test has no time limit. Each page will include 4 statements, and you will be required to rank each statement from 'Least like me' to 'Most like me.’ You will have five columns to choose from, and you cannot give the same score to two statements within one page.

Let's explore one question set:

My preference is to concentrate on a single task at any given time.

1 - Least like me 2 3 4 5 - Most like me

I am adept at quickly discerning the pros and cons in various situations.

1 - Least like me 2 3 4 5 - Most like me

Independent work suits me better than group endeavors.

1 - Least like me 2 3 4 5 - Most like me

I'm inclined to share openly with others, no matter the situation.

1 - Least like me 2 3 4 5 - Most like me

 There are several difficulties surrounding such personality tests.

1. You must balance answers between fitting your natural inclinations and meeting the company's requirements and values.

2. Each set of questions includes several statements that you would wish to give a similar score, positively or negatively, complicating your decision-making.

Tips Tip: When solving this test, consider the qualities and competencies demaned for the role, as well as Bain and Company's core values, discussed further below.

Understand the Theory Behind the Personality Test

Our experts have researched far and wide and developed the Sova Personality Test Guide.

Understanding the theory behind the test, including the distinct domains and qualities that are assessed, will give you a massive advantage over your competitors in terms of meeting Bain's recruitment team expectations.

Read the guide and practice simulation accordingly to be sure you are on the right track.

Bain & Company — Interviews and Case Study

If you are successful in the online tests, you will be invited to the case study interviews.

The first round of case study interviews is held in an assessment centre and consists of two different interviews: a market sizing case study interview and a broad case study interview.

Get more info on Bain's interviews right here:

This Bain interview begins with a few basic competency questions such as 'When was a time you failed?' or 'What is your greatest strength?'

In the remaining time, the assessors then ask you to analyse a common industry such as TVs or cars.

This interview is performed by a manager and consists solely of a case study.

The case is more detailed than the previous one and you are asked to analyse data and perform calculations at this point.

If you are successful in the first round, you will be invited to the second round of case study interviews.

Much like the first, the second round is held in an assessment centre and consists of three interviews: a case study, an experience and a written interview.

This is the third case study interview you encounter during your Bain interview process.

The assessor presents you with an issue and you must break down the problem into parts and identify possible solutions. The focus here is your problem-solving skills so there is no right answer.

Assessors are looking at your thought process and if it is suitable for Bain & Company. Make sure to get your Bain case interview practice.

The experience interview is a more traditional CV based interview.

This Bain interview questions will most likely be regarding your CV, work experience and behavioural questions.

The aim of the interview is to get a better picture of how you work and to learn more about you.

The interview is very similar to the case study interviews you have previously done.

The only difference is that you give written rather than verbal answers. You are provided with a 20-30 slide PowerPoint presentation that describes a situation you may encounter with clients.

In approximately 55 minutes you must review the slides and write a short synopsis and give your recommendations. It is a good idea to practise written case studies before this interview to help with time management and giving good, concise answers. 

Following this preparation, you must give a 45-minute presentation where you discuss your recommendations with the interviewer. The interviewer may challenge your suggestions in order to simulate a real client situation.

Get advice on how to handle a written exercise on our advice page and to practise presentations with our presentation preparation pack.

The 2 part interview process is the most important stage as it is where Bain & Company assessors can get a full picture of how you work. Bain & Company makes a conscious effort to provide and warm and welcoming environment and the assessors are known for being friendly.

Preparation and confidence are your keys to success in this section and you can use JobTestPrep’s interview preparation pack for your Bain interview prep, and get yourself ready. 

Bain Values

One of the most important attributes for success in Bain & Co SJT and Personality assessments is to get familiar with Bain's core values and keep them in mind while answering behavioral questions.

The four core values of Bain & Co are:

  • Passion & Commitment - for results and client's success.
  • Honesty & Openness - speak in a straightforward language and be open to new perspectives.
  • Practical - "getting the job done" attitude is key.
  • One Team - directing the collective energy toward achieving great things.

Although the core values are pretty straightforward, showing Bain that you follow them naturally, unpretentiously is much harder.

That is why it is crucial to prepare for the value assessment questions with the same effort and mindset you prepare for the cognitive ones.

Bain Recruitment Process

The Bain & Company online application is fairly straightforward. You are asked to provide basic details followed by questions about your academic career.

There is also an opportunity to upload a CV and cover letter.

Throughout the process, it is important to have Bain & Company competencies in mind.

Problem-Solving: As a consultant, a large part of your job is helping clients overcome challenges. Good problem solvers who are able to think creatively and find pragmatic solutions make for strong candidates.

Ability to Lead: Bain & Company looks for candidates who can be leaders in teams as well as guide clients toward effective change. Any leadership experience you have from work, school or extracurricular activities should be highlighted.

Results Delivery: The ability to solve problems and lead are just part of it. Bain & Company seek candidates who can deliver positive, effective results that really make a difference.

Passion: Enthusiasm and commitment to change are what Bain & Company value most. Bain & Company want candidates who show their passion and energy for solving issues and strive for success.

More Free Practice

We at JobTestPrep find the assessment tests world highly diverse and fascinating. If you are looking to deepen your knowledge in the aptitude tests world, or you want some extra practice before your test, we've got you covered!

Check out these fantastic free practice tests (all are completely free):

Free Aptitude Test | Free Psychometric Test | Free Numerical Reasoning Test | Free Verbal Reasoning Test | Free Cognitive Test | Free Critical Thinking Test | Free Abstract Reasoning Test | Free Spatial Reasoning Test | Free Personality Test | Free Inductive Test | Free Mechanical Reasoning Test