Deloitte Numerical, Critical Thinking, & IBM's Kenexa Excel Tests Practice

Prepare for Deloitte's online numerical test, provided by Pearson, Watson Glaser critical thinking test, and IBM's Kenexa Excel test. Simulate the same question types and time limits to improve your performance on the real tests.

Deloitte Numerical, Critical, Excel

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  • 3 full-length mock Numerical Reasoning tests
  • 2 full-length mock Critical Thinking tests 
  • Microsoft Excel training software
  • 2 full-length Excel assessment tests (25 question each)
  • 10 Study guides & 12 video tutorials
  • Detailed score reports
  • New - Financial Terms Guide and Practice Drill
  • Exclusive to JobTestPrep
  • Money back guarantee – see terms and conditions


Our specially designed Deloitte practice pack contains preparation for the numerical test, the critical thinking test, and the IBM's Kenexa Excel test. The tests in this product have been developed especially for candidates taking Pearson TalentLens tests used in the first stage of the Deloitte recruitment process.

Deloitte has also been known to use the Arctic Shores Assessment to hire for some positions. You can read more about it on our dedicated Arctic Shores page.

For some roles, you may be asked to take only one or two of the tests in this pack, make sure to practise the tests that are required for the position you applied for.

Deloitte Numerical Reasoning Test

The Pearson numerical test as used by Deloitte contains different features to the other numerical reasoning tests you may be more familiar with.

The test contains several free-response questions. In these questions, you are not given a set of choices. Instead, you have to write down the answer you have come to from your working out. This forces you to be accurate in your calculations.

Multiple choice questions contain an additional option, insufficient information, asking you to make a judgement about whether you can answer the question with the information given.

This test is slightly longer and more complex than some of the other tests you will have taken, with 21 questions to answer in 30 minutes.

This pack is designed to give you an all around preparation for your Deloitte numerical test. The pack contains questions specially devised for the Pearson numerical test, as well as tutorials, video guides and skill drills to ensure that you are fully prepared when you take your test.

Deloitte Critical Thinking Test

The Deloitte critical thinking test is a more complicated form of a verbal reasoning test. This test is provided by Pearson TalentLens and is also known as the Watson Glaser test.

In this test you are examined against five components of critical thinking:

  • Drawing inferences - Ability to draw conclusions from facts.
  • Recognising assumptions - Ability to determine whether a statement is justifiable based on a given assumption.
  • Deductive reasoning - Weigh up information and decide whether the conclusion is warranted.
  • Logical interpretation - Ability to understand the weighting of different arguments on a particular question or issue.
  • Argument evaluation - Ability to distinguish between strong and weak arguments.

The timing is different in this test to the tests you may be used to, with 30 minutes to answer 40 questions. Given the complexity of the questions, this time frame will challenge you to work quickly but carefully through the test. Our pack contains two 40 item tests, plus additional questions for each section of the test, and the same time allocation per question.

The inference section of the test looks like a true, false, cannot say test, but it contains five answer options instead of three: true, probably true, inadequate data, probably false, and false. This pack will show you how to pick the right option.

This Deloitte critical thinking practice pack is designed to give you an all-round critical thinking preparation. With our specially designed Watson Glaser style questions, study guides and video tutorials all aimed at improving your skills.