Prepare for the PwC Australia Online Tests and Assessment Centre

Are you looking to be part of PwC careers? Get the info you need to make it through their recruitment process and receive the job offer you’ve been waiting for. Start preparing with our customised practice tests, score reports, study guides and more.

Note: If you have been requested to take a Pymetrics Games test as part of your hiring process at PwC, check out our Complete Pymetrics Guide.

This page covers the stages of the PwC recruitment process in Australia. Make sure you are ahead of the game by preparing for the online tests, video interviews, and assessments beforehand.

Prepare with Our PwC Practice Tests

Take advantage of this customized PrepPack which was created for applicants interested in PwC jobs in Australia. The pack contains practice materials to help you succeed at every stage of the PwC recruitment process. Start practising today.

Online Tests

After submitting a successful application, the recruitment team will ask you to complete some online tests in order to assess your various skills and abilities. There are three assessments provided by SHL that you are likely to encounter: a numerical reasoning test, an inductive reasoning test, and a personality test.

Note: PwC has also been known to administer the Arcitc Shores Assessment. You can read more about it on our dedicated page.

Get our PwC Online Tests preparation pack and start practising for your tests today

PwC Interview Questions

As part of the PwC application process, you have to complete at least one but usually various interviews. The initial interviews aim to establish if you are professionally equipped to handle the PwC job you are applying for. At later stages, the questions tackle if you match the company values and your specific team's work ethics. Overall the interviewer is interested in why you would like to work for them, in your career goals, and in your past experience. Make sure you prepare some insightful questions to ask. Below are some sample PwC Interview questions to give you an idea of what to expect.

  • Why PwC?
  • If you could change one thing in the world what would it be and why?
  • Describe the most difficult situation you have been in.

PwC Video Interview Questions

A good score on the online ability tests means that you are likely to receive an invitation to take part in a video interview. Unlike traditional interviews, this is conducted through a website where the computer prompts you with questions and records a video of your answers. The PwC video interview questions are mainly behavioural questions in which you are asked about how you would or have acted or reacted in certain workplace situations. The company is looking for ways in which you show the competencies featured in PwC’s professional framework

PwC Assessment Centre Preparation

If you dazzled the recruitment team enough with your video interview, the next and final stage of your application process is the assessment centre. There you can face a variety of challenging exercises, including a written exercise, a group exercise, and verification tests to validate your previous online test scores.

PwC Assessment Centre Group Excercise

In the group exercise, you should showcase your ability to solve a problem as part of a team. Your team is given a case which you should solve together. You should demonstrate that you are a good asset by contributing and underscoring your teams work: listen carefully to your teammates and brainstorm with them.

PwC Assessment Centre Tests

The verification tests employed at this stage of the PwC application process is typically, the most challenging exam in the entire process. Therefore, it is imperative you practise beforehand.

PwC Assessment Centre Interviews

There are also two types of interviews performed at the assessment center. The first is a traditional face-to-face interview and the second is a case study interview. In this alternate type of face-to-face interview, you are presented with a business problem that needs solving through a discussion with your interviewer. 

PwC Graduate Program

PwC Australia has a number of student careers, including graduate jobs, a vacation program, a legal program, and a program for international students. As the company is so well-known, places on the programs are limited and the competition is fierce. With the variety of PwC internships and student careers the company has to offer, there is sure to be a place for you. Help guarantee that PwC graduate program or PwC internship position is yours by preparing for the assessments in advance with materials from JobTestPrep.