Prepare for PwC School Leavers Programme Tests, Assessment Centre & Interview

PwC offers programmes for school leavers, which present a great opportunity to start your career. However, to get into your desired programme, you’ll have to excel at every stage of the recruitment process. Find out what’s in store for you, from the first application to the final interview, with JobTestPrep.

The PwC school leavers’ opportunities are a great chance to gain experience in a range of different business areas The company wants to make sure they are hiring the very best and hence uses a thorough application process to do so. Find out below how to prepare for the online tests, assessment day, and interview.


PwC School Leavers

To achieve your goal, you must complete a series of assessments at one of the company’s offices

The assessment centre lasts for approximately 5 hours, starting with a video interview, which is followed by a gaming test known as the Arctic Shores Assessment. Next, you will be required to take part in exercises that examine group dynamics to test how you behave working in a team. There will also be exercises that involve role-play and probably a case study.

The final stage of the assessment day is a one-on-one interview. Lasting for about 45 minutes, the interview is held with a senior staff member from the business area you are applying to. Questions focus on your competencies and the interviewer is looking to see passion and enthusiasm in your answers.

Prepare for Success

Between the various exercises, assessments, and interviews, being accepted into a PwC school leavers scheme is not an easy process. Make sure you are up to par beforehand by preparing yourself with the materials our experts at JobTestPrephave developed and tailored for your success.