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Ramsay Maintenance Test Information
Learn more about Ramsay Maintenance Tests and prepare accurately for the test.

History of The Ramsay Exam

Established in 1973, Ramsay tests have been a large asset for companies looking for technical examinations. Having reached over 4,000 clients, Ramsay has been left as a consulting company in areas that include incoming employment assessments, employee selection and later training new workers. Ramsay Corporation is comprised of hand-selected individuals who help keep the Ramsay test series up to date in today’s technologically advanced world. Over the years, the company has been presented with a number of awards including, Plant Services MRO Solutions “Product of the Year” award.

The Ramsay Corporation Job Skills Test Breakdown

Below are a few of the many examinations that are offered by Ramsay:

Combined Basic Skills Test

Ramsay’s combined basic skills examination touches a broad range of topics to better formulate a brisk understanding of your skillsets. Topics can include verbal comprehension which identifies your literacy and performance skills and mathematical skills to cypher how you evaluate and calculate equations. Next, there is a section in the Ramsay test that includes inspection and measurements to better grasp your knowledge and working pace. Lastly, the problem-solving section of the exam leaves upper-management personnel with further knowledge of your day-to-day response to unique situations.

The Ramsay Measurement, Reading, and Arithmetic Test

Within the dynamics of the Ramsay test, you will find a section dedicated to measurements, reading and arithmetic. This is a deeper version of the combined basic skills test typically used for operating engineers. The 100 question test is typically broken down by 40 reading and 40 arithmetic questions with the leftover 20 questions dedicated to measurements. There is usually a capped 85 minute time limit. While it is possible to complete the test within the time frame, statistically, most people do not. The minuscule amount of time is purposely set in place to see how you react in stressful situations and measure accordingly.

Ramsay Corporation Mechanical Aptitude Test

The Ramsay mechanical test is not specific to any particular machine or skillset, rather it’s an overview of a person’s knowledge level after successfully completing a mechanical apprenticeship or other equivalent trading school certification.

Tip: During your mechanical test you will discover that Ramsay has a tendency of using pictures over words to explain questions. The verbal questions are left vague in a strategy to purposely frustrate you. The reason is that when you are working in the field, there will be no clearly stated question, but rather a puzzle of various equipment in need of proper assortment. Thus, through this exam, you can bet that questions will tend to be fairly brief to cypher your level of cleverness.

Ramsay MecTest

Like the mechanical exam, the MecTest measures your trained skillsets. In Ramsay’s MecTest, the focus is on your knowledge of mechanical maintenance. Therefore, question circulates around how to repair and maintain mechanics. It is likely you find questions and drawings on:

Hydraulics & PneumaticsLubricationMachines, Tools, & EquipmentMechanical Maintenance
Power TransmissionPrint ReadingPumps & PipingWelding & Rigging

As displayed in the table, you will find each test is comprised by these categories.

Ramsay Knowledge Tests

The knowledge tests are broken down in four components. Each one examines your memory and skills in a particular field. Below is a thorough breakdown:

  • In the Electrical Knowledge, you will be asked various questions based on how to measure objects and what may be required in a particular electrical repair. Furthermore, there will be questions on topics that include machines and equipment.
  • The Mechanical Knowledge test has a focus on the mechanical side of repairs including processing, manufacturing and production facilities.
  • The Ramsay Multicraft Knowledge test combines the various mechanics from performance in mechanical objects to electrical maintenance. This is for those who serve in both fields and allows your new employer to assess which side you are more adept in.
  • Additional Crafts includes millwrights, welders, pipefitters, mobile equipment mechanics, HVAC technicians, and more. This is the last wave of any and everything you may come across to provide the proper understanding needed for your future position.

Begin Ramsay Preparing

If any of this information has at all interests you, you can begin Ramsay online learning with our generated Ramsay mechanical and MecTech test simulations. Each of these tests have been delicately crafted to help provide you with relevant information to assist in creating a smooth transition to your new position in any technological job you may be applying to. Furthermore, we have included a Ramsay testing study guide to further increase your chances of success. Begin your preparation for your exciting future today!

Ramsay MecTest                                               Ramsay Mechanical Test

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