Are you applying to Credit Agricole? The recruitment process can involve some challenging aptitude tests and an interview. To get that job offer, you will need to be ready for everything that comes your way. Find out how to prepare yourself with practice tests from JobTestPrep.
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Credit Agricole is a well established French bank. Whether you are beginning your career or looking for something new, it’s a great workplace. Depending on the position you have applied for, the recruitment process can include both aptitude tests and interviews. This article details both of these stages and what you can do to best prepare yourself with resources from JobTestPrep.
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The Credit Agricole application can be completed online or by hand and submitted by post. Whichever way you are applying, you need to include your personal details, work history and a CV and covering letter if you choose to include. Once your application has been received, you can follow your status via the Credit Agricole website.
The Credit Agricole aptitude tests are used by the recruitment team to help find the best of the applicants. The tests are provided by cut-e (Aon) and include numerical, verbal, logical reasoning and personality tests.
The Credit Agricole numerical tests are a little different from most numerical tests you may have taken in the past. You are given various graphs and tables which present financial information relating to a fictitious company.
Each question presents you with a statement relating to a specific piece of information included in the charts and your task is to decide in the information is true, false or you cannot say based on the data provided. Familiarise yourself with this question style using our cut-e (Aon) style numerical reasoning tests.
The Credit Agricole verbal reasoning tests are similar to the numerical reasoning tests as they use the same format. There are a number of short texts related to a fictitious company and each question presents a statement related to one of the texts. Your task is to determine which text is most appropriate and whether the statement is true, false or you cannot say.
Learn to master this section of the assessment with cut-e (Aon) style verbal reasoning tests.
The last of the Credit Agricole aptitude tests is a measurement of your non-verbal thinking. In the discovering rules test, you are given a series of images, each one containing a shape or group of shapes. Your task is to decipher the rule that links all of these images together and based on that rule, decide which of the images doesn’t belong.
Want to know more about this test? Have a look at our dedicated page.
The written exam takes place at the Credit Agricole office. The test consists of a synopsis of a business situation in French and your task is to write a response essay in English.
Further information about written exercises can be found on our written exercise page.
Credit Agricole features two different types of interviews in their recruitment process; operational and HR interviews. Some candidates will have both interviews while some will have one or the other (check the chart to see what you can expect). The interviews have different focuses to give the company a fuller picture of the candidates.
The operational interview with Credit Agricole focuses on the technical aspects of the job and your skills. Candidates are often asked to take part in a practical or simulated task. For example, if you are going into a sales position, the task is to simulate a sales negotiation. Prior to the simulation, you are given all of the necessary details you need to take part.
A great way to prepare for this interview is by practising role play activities and you can find out more about this exercise on our dedicated page.
The Credit Agricole HR interview is a more traditional interview, dealing mainly with your CV and motivations for wanted to work for the company.
Review your CV beforehand and think of any details you can add or elaborate on. It’s a good idea to bring a copy of your CV in with you as well.
When preparing for the interview, think of some of the reasons you have chosen your career path and why you have applied to Credit Agricole.
Interviewers like to hear your questions as well as it shows that you have done your research and show a genuine interest in the company. Therefore, come up with a few questions of your own when preparing.
Looking for some tips on how to perform well in an interview? Check out our free guide to interviews PDF and for further practice, be sure to review our Interview PrepPack™.
The aptitude tests and interview for Credit Agricole are the major stages of the recruitment process and can determine if you get the job offer. As such, preparation for both is a must. This article has outlined both the tests and interviews you can expect from the company and how best to prepare yourself with useful materials from JobTestPrep.
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