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JobTestPrep is a leading test prep company that offers accurate practice simulations and preparation guides since 1992, including for SHL assessments. JobTestPrep is not affiliated or in business with SHL™ in any way. If you have any additional questions about the assessments, feel free to send us an email, we usually reply within 24 hours.
Ira, SHL Tests Expert at JobTestPrep
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SHL is one of the largest job applicant screening test providers in the UK and worldwide. This means that they conduct dozens of test types for hundreds of employers.
SHL's most common tests are the Cognitive Verify General Ability (G+), the SHL Numerical Reasoning Test, and the SHL Inductive Reasoning test.
Other, less common tests include the SHL Verbal, SHL Deductive, SHL Checking, SHL Calculation, SHL Personality Questionnaire (OPQ), SHL SJT (Situational Judgement Test), and SHL Mechanical Comprehension Test.
For some positions, you are also might be asked to complete the SHL video interview.
Usually, you’d be asked to take the test on TalentCentral, which is an online SHL assessment delivery platform.
Below, you’ll find a list of the most common SHL tests. Choose your test and find free SHL practice tests that are designed specifically to enhance the skills needed to pass.
If you are not sure which test you need to practice for, you can follow the SHL Practice Finder Flowchart [PDF], or use this online SHL test guide.
SHL is one of the biggest assessment companies. However, there are many other assessment companies including Korn Ferry, Watson Glaser, cut-e, Thomas, Cubiks, Pymetrics, Saville, aon, Matrigma, McQuaig, and many more.
The SHL General Ability Test (also known as Verify G+) is a combination of 3 different tests: the SHL numerical, inductive, and deductive tests (see below).
The test may come in two versions:
Each question on the SHL Numerical test contains a variety of mathematical questions, mostly based on a graph or a table. You will be required to extract the relevant data, calculate, and answer.
The test may come in two versions:
Here is a practice question for the non-interactive SHL numerical test:
What proportion of both sites' April and May traffic was for
The correct answer is (E) - 38.1%
To calculate this, we add up the total page views of for April and May and divide this amount by the total hits of both sites for the same period.
Therefore, the calculation would be:
(35+45)/(35+45+70+60), which is 80/210 -> 38.1%
The SHL Verbal test contains questions dealing with the analysis and interpretation of texts.
The test has only a non-interactive version, with 30 questions in 19 minutes.
Here is a practice question for the SHL verbal test:
Read the text below and answer the question below:
In the past few years, the government has turned to shock tactics to fight the battle against smoking and the burden smokers pose to the country's economy—manifested in sick days and health issues. The latest anti-smoking campaign showed tumours growing from a cigarette. Needless to say, this advert was contentious. On the one hand, the advert has become a viral sensation since its launch and has attracted plenty of attention to the subject. The government estimates that approximately 300,000 people will attempt to quit smoking because of the campaign. On the other hand, some argue that using a hard-hitting approach is not the best way because people become very afraid. If someone thinks they might have cancer or a symptom of cancer, they're likely to push it out of their mind. Health experts claim the new campaign is not effective in targeting all smokers and recommend using it alongside other measures.
The advertisement is not effective because it scares people.
The answer is Cannot Say.
The passage presents two opposite approaches of pros and cons to the anti-smoking campaign. The opinions presented are not addressed as absolute truths; therefore, it cannot be determined whether the advertisement is effective. The passage states: ‘Some argue that using a hard-hitting approach is not the best way because people become very afraid'. The opinion of 'some' cannot be used as a generalisation. Thus, you Cannot Say whether the argument is True or False.
The SHL Inductive Test requires you to recognize patterns and rules in a series of abstract shapes.
The test may come in two versions:
Here is a practice question for the non-interactive version of the SHL Inductive test:
Which diagram would appear next in series?
The correct answer is (A).
The inner shape in one frame becomes the middle shape in the next frame; the middle shape becomes the outer shape in the next frame; and the outer shape becomes the inner shape two frames later.
Thus, the outer shape in the missing frame should be a square (just like the middle shape in the 5th frame), the middle shape should be a triangle (like the inner shape in the 5th frame), and the inner shape should be a diamond (like the outer shape in the 4th frame).
The SHL Deductive Test assesses your ability to come to the correct logical conclusions from texts and tables.
The test may come in two versions:
Here is a practice question for the non-interactive version of the SHL deductive test:
Read the following section and arrive at the right conclusion:
In a restaurant's pantry, there are seven kinds of fruits - Figs, Guavas, Honeydews, Kiwis, Mangos, Nectarines, and Papayas. The restaurant's chef has to pick exactly four different kinds of fruits out of the seven to make a fruit salad. The selected fruits must meet the following conditions:
Which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the fruits from which the salad is made up?
The Correct answer is (B) - Kiwi, Nectarine, Honeydew, Guava.
In questions asking for a possible complete arrangement according to the rules, go over the answer options and eliminate every response that violates any of the rules presented.
The correct answer is the one that does not violate any of the rules.
Answer (A) - According to the derivatives, Fig can only be selected if Nectarine is selected (~N → ~F). In addition, Mango and Nectarine cannot both be used (M or N). So, a salad containing Mango and Fig is impossible (M → ~F).
Answer (B) - This setting does not violate any of the rules, and therefore this is the correct answer.
Answer (C) - According to the rules, Mango and Nectarine cannot both be selected (M or N).
Answer (D) - According to the rules, Papaya and Honeydew cannot both be selected (P or H).
Answer (E) - According to the rules, Fig can only be selected if Nectarine is selected, so a salad containing Fig but not Nectarine is impossible (~N → ~F).
On the preparation pack on this page, you'll get practice tests for both the interactive and non-interactive of the SHL deductive test with a guide to help you answer these types of questions in the right fashion.
The SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire is a commonly given personality test. Many cognitive-based SHL tests are accompanied by it in the hiring process.
The test requires choosing between behavioural statements that best (or least) describe you. The common version has 104 questions.
If you have more than one SHL assessment coming up, or if you're not sure which one you have, use the SHL All-Inclusive Preparation to get yourself prepared for any SHL assessment you might go through.
You can also find your test using our SHL test guide.
If you are still not sure of the exact test you will be taking - try the SHL All-Inclusive Preparation Pack offered on this page, or contact me personally. I usually respond within 24-48 hours.
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